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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:Japan
  • Register:11/05/2008 12:13 PM

Date Posted:08/10/2024 04:03 AMCopy HTML

Words August 2024 Week 2

I live on a cul-de-sac. (This is a type of dead-end street.)

I never had a pet. (She never owned a cat, dog or any other animal.)

The tourists enjoyed eating while walking around the fish market. (The Toyosu Market replaced the famous Tsukiji Fish Market.)

I put a pain-relief patch on my lower back. (Her doctor is trying to find the cause of the pain.)

I had a bone density test. (As we get older, our bones become weaker.)

Grampa is a little grumpy today. (He is complaining about everything.)

He was caught in a whirlpool. (You can escape a whirlpool by diving to the bottom of it.)

Let’s play it by ear; we can decide what to do on Saturday morning. (Instead of planning what to do, they will discuss it at the time and then decide.)

Harbors protect sea vessels from rough water. (Harbors usually have walls in the sea to prevent large waves from hitting the shoreline.)

He was harboring (hiding) the escaped convict. (“Convict” is another word for “prisoner.”)

The baby is teething, so he is a little grumpy. (The baby was unhappy because the new teeth coming out are causing pain in the gums.)

The third time is a charm. (The first time too much, the second time too little but the third time was just right.)

She had frizzy hair because it was humid outside. (The hair became curly or fuzzy looking.)

She wanted to sit in the third row at the aquarium killer whale show. (She got soaking wet when the whale jumped. A killer whale is called an Orca and is in the dolphin family.)

She picked me up and drove me to her place. (The daughter wanted her mother to take a break from her hectic schedule.)

She feeds her fugu fish tiny live shrimp. (This was a freshwater fugu.)

I’m struggling to use Microsoft Office since I haven’t had a job in 30 years. (She recently got a part time job and must use Word, Excel, etc.)

The mayor shook my hand. (They happened to meet after the Ome fireworks festival.)

Japan's sniffer dogs are trained to use their noses to uncover large amounts of cash in luggage. (In a test, the dogs checked 14 pieces of luggage and found the money in 60 seconds.)

Friends of the Earth Japan was one of the first NGOs to work on environmental problems. (Some of their main campaigns are on climate change, energy, forest protection, etc.)

Next week, I will order some prescription glasses at an optical shop, a.k.a. glasses chop. (He had a temporary pair of glasses made after his eye surgery and now he is ready to get a permanent prescription.)

I installed front and rear cameras in my car. (If is only in the front of the car, we call them “dashcams.”)

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