Title: Lessons May 2024 Week 1 | |
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wakaibob | |
Date Posted:04/26/2024 10:25 AMCopy HTML
Idioms of the week Running on fumes Get out of hand Lessons May 2024 Week 1 Jace Weber set the record for most aluminum can tabs collected for recycling in one year. The “pop tab kid” collected 1,654.70 kg of pull tabs. The recycle center melts the tabs to reuse the aluminum. Jace donated the money to buy a wheelchair for someone in need. Jace hopes his story will set an example for other young people to never give up on their dreams. The last Saturday in April is Tai Chi Day. It is believed that a Buddhist monk created a type of Tai Chi in the fifth century. The first recorded practice of Tai Chi was in the seventeenth century as a martial arts exercise. In the twentieth century, it was used as a form of gentle exercise and moving meditation. Tai Chi can be practiced by the old, young, strong, or weak to relax the body and mind. “Shape up” means “to improve something.” If he doesn’t shape up on the job, he will be fired. “Old school” means "something from a long time ago.” The Walkman is old school, now we can listen to music on our phones. |