Title: Words January 2025 Week 4 | |
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Date Posted:01/25/2025 05:48 AMCopy HTML Words January 2025 Week 4 Trump is a felon. (A felony is a serious crime and usually punishable for imprisonment for more than one year.) He didn’t stop at a crosswalk while a pedestrian was waiting to cross the street. (In the UK, crosswalks are called zebra crossings.) The children’s menu has five or six choices on it. (One menu has many choices. Don’t say “many menus.) You could see my cousin on TV while watching the sumo tournament. (You could see Max, Tyler and me on TV during a Seahawks football game.) He is as stubborn as a mule. (He is very hard-headed.) Mules are a cross between a horse and a donkey. (A mule is half horse and half donkey.) Her health insurance won’t cover the cost of IVs after two weeks. (My student’s mother is not drinking enough liquids.) I got a call this morning. (Don’t say, “I got a phone” this morning.) She is not getting enough fluids. (You can get liquids from eating different foods and fruits.) Blood veins sometimes shrink with age. (It is difficult finding my veins for blood samples are IVs. When I was hospitalized last year, I felt like a was a pin cushion.) He has a short fuse. (He gets angry quickly.) I’m all thumbs. (I’m clumsy.) The biggest (best) prize was a mango. (“Biggest” is ok but “best” or “top” are better.) I bought a step stool. (Step stools are used for reaching high shelves, changing light bulbs, etc.) Porch pirates are a big problem. (These people steal packages left on your porch.) If you turn on the “read receipts” app in Line, it will tell you when someone reads your message. (I think that the person receiving the message needs their “read receipts” app turned on also.) I had a runny nose and sore throat. (A pain in my throat is much stronger than a sore throat.) Lozenges help relieve coughs and sore throats. (Lozenges can be prescribed by a doctor, but you usually buy them over the counter [OTC].) He has a short fuse. (He gets angry easily.) I’m in the doghouse. (His wife is angry with him.) She is giving me the silent treatment. (She is not talking to him because she is angry.) Both "fill out" and "fill in" can mean to complete a form or document. ("Fill out" generally refers to completing an entire form and "fill in" refers to writing information in blank spaces on a document.) I’m thinking about buying an elderly person’s shopping cart, a.k.a. granny cart. (These are very popular in Japan.) The waiting room had no air circulation. (The air was a little stuffy or stale.) The yuzu tree has big thorns. (The thorns are very dangerous and can puncture a shoe.) The yuzu has a mixed taste of lemon, mandarin orange and grapefruit. (This fruit originated in China over 1,000 years ago.) |