Title: Words December 2024 Week 3 | |
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Date Posted:12/14/2024 09:04 AMCopy HTML Words December 2024 Week 3 We need a photo ID to enter the JAXA facilities. (They are very strict about who can enter the area.) JAXA stands for Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. (This is similar to the US NASA program.) An astronaut suit was on display. (The suit has seven layers of material in case it gets torn while working outside of the space station.) He caught 20 horse mackerel. (He went fishing in Tokyo Bay.) The horse mackerel has a good taste. (Aji wa aji ga yoi.) The fish weighed between 300 and 500 grams. (Those are pretty good size fish.) He brined the chicken. (He soaked the chicken in salt water.) She said that she wanted to eat sushi. (When speaking, try not to use quotation marks. So, don’t say, “She said, “I want to eat sushi”.”) I soaked the beef intestines in water for four hours. (He spent ten hours preparing this dish.) Hot spring baths are soothing. (They are relaxing.) A vheclie epxledod at a plocie cehckipont near the UN haduqertares in Bagahdd on Mnoday kilinlg the bmober and an Irqai polcie offceir. (Native English speakers can read this sentence easily.) They will increase our condominium’s monthly maintenance fee. (The cost of labor and materials are becoming very expensive.) They put up scaffolding around my house. (This is much better and faster than using ladders.) Our house was built over three decades ago. (After 50 years, repairs to the house are becoming more common.) I cancelled my subscription to the newspaper. (More and more people are getting their news from the internet.) She died but came back three years before her death. (She was the main character in a Korean drama.) It was a Cinderella story. (In the beginning she had a sad and difficult life, but in the end she lived happily ever after.) Sabotage is the deliberate damage or destruction of equipment or property. (The employee was upset so he sabotaged the company’s machinery.) The guest house was renovated. (They fixed up the old house to look like new.) Monday was unburnable-trash day. (She threw away her old rice cooker.) I can’t tell the difference between the two styles of cooking the rice. (The rice cooker has a setting to make “fluffier” rice, but two people said that they couldn’t tell the difference – both were good.) That credit card has many benefits. (You get VIP treatment at some locations, etc.) There is an outlet next to the train seat to recharge your phone. (You plug in your electric devices into an outlet. You screw a lightbulb into a socket.) Some wild yucca plants flower, but it's unlikely you'll see your houseplant in bud. (This plant likes much sun and grows well in dry climates.) |