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  • Register:11/05/2008 12:13 PM

Date Posted:06/27/2020 07:01 AMCopy HTML

Memoirs Part 24

In our lives we all experience many ups and downs. It is up to each of us on how we handle these situations, especially the “downs.” I have always tried to be positive thinking. There is a quote by Helen Keller that always sticks in my mind. She said, “I cried because I had no shoes, until I met a man with no feet.” I think of this when I experience something really negative happening to me. I usually get over feeling down within a few hours or a day or two. No matter what problem that I am experiencing, there are other people having greater difficulties. I also attribute my positive thinking to my eldest brother, Jack. He was diagnosed with colon cancer. I was in Okinawa when he had his first surgery. It was months before I could finally go home to see him. I asked how he felt. He said that in the beginning he was so angry. Angry with God. Angry with the world. Angry with life. Why me? But he finally accepted it. He could continue feeling sorry for himself or enjoy what time he had left. He chose the latter. Sitting in his living room talking about his condition affected me greatly. We were talking about how much time he had left in this world, but it was as if we were talking about a football game. It was such a “normal” conversation. From that time, I told myself to always think positive. I believe that someday I will get cancer, probably in the lungs. Because of Jack, I believe that I will be positive. (Note: My sister-in-law, Marguerite Luke Young, passed away on December 19, 2019. She was also a very positive person, the same as her husband, my brother, Jack. I was fortunate to have been able to meet with her on December 15 upon my arrival from Japan. We talked for a while and she asked my grandchildren about their football etc. From the next day her condition deteriorated quickly. We will all miss her so very much.)


(So far, this is all I have written in my memoirs. Recently I have thought of a few stories of long ago. I didn’t write them down, so I hope that I can remember again. 😊. I reminisce a lot when I am drinking or after drinking a few beers. The problem is that I can’t remember what I have already written in my memoirs so I must go back and reread it. Also, I have not drank in months. I am sure that I will be “two-beer Bob” again. I hope that you have found some of the stories interesting. I appreciate some of the nice comments from some of you who read them. I don’t know when I will have new inputs, but I will try to continue soon.)

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